On screen Erin can be seen in several short films including “Hashtag Perfect Life” directed by Michael Paulucci (winner of the Chicago Film award), “She the Sunrise” directed by Sarah Clark, and “Whenever You’re Ready” directed by Kyle Bethea. Erin’s most recent TV appearance is on Chicago PD portraying Chelsea Roberts in the episode ‘Brothers Keeper’.
Click here to download Erin Lovelace’s Resume
Chicago P.D. Chelsea d/ Vince Misiano
624 Days Sara d/ Agron Karameti
Mystery Flavor Laurie d/ Neal E. Fischer
She the Sunrise Principle d/ Sarah Clark
Hashtag Perfect Life Maddie d/ Michael Pauluccii
Loss of Roses u/s Lila Raven Theatre, d/ Cody Estle
A Play About You and Me Her ChicagoFringe,d/LauraBaker
Pride and Prejudice Lydia d/Margaret Uhlarik
Fairways, Musical Anika, Joan d/Curtis Powell
Rent Maureen d/Mark Charney
Ohio State Lottery Principle/ The PPS Group
Woodford Reserve Principle/ Duncan Wolf (D)
Ivy Tech Principle/ Sound 80
Old National Bank Principle/ Fleck Media
Quicken Loans Principle/ Gorilla Pictures (Grand Rapids, MI)
Flip Flopper Principle/ The Onion; The Norman Brothers
Goose Island Beer Principle/ VSA Partners
Vidal Sassoon Principle/ Leo Burnett
Shape Magazine Principle/ American Media Company
Rephresh Principle/ Chicago Film Works
Secrets Rachel/ Columbia Collage, d/Sarah Conley
Love Detector Girl/ Columbia Collage, d/Cooper Justice
The Teenagers (Harold) Principle i.O. (Improv Olympics)
Cadaver (Harold Team) Principle i.O. (Improv Olympics)
Emergency Contaxxx Principle Indi Team
Comedy Intensive Lesly Kahn and Co. Lesly Kahn
Acting On Camera III Acting Studio Janelle Snow
Conservatory levels 1-6 Second City Anne Libera
Activate Your Audition The Green Room AJ Links and David Murphy
Improv levels 1-5b iO (Improv Olympic) Susan Messing, Craig Uhlir Todd Edwards
On Camera I, II, III The Green Room Sean Bradley, David Murphy, and Matt Amador
On Camera Private Coaching Vagabond Michael McCracken
Advanced Scene Study: Meisner Vagabond Amy J. Carle
Production Studies in Performing Arts (B.A.), Clemson University
Basic Piano, driver’s license, Horseback riding, Marathon runner, Bartend, Singing, Cute Musical Skill, Improv